發(fā)布日期:2020-3-4 14:10:09 訪問次數(shù):1704
Material/卷材 Wrap angle W /包角
Crease prevention/褶皺消除 for paper/紙 15° - 20°
for Fourdrinier wires /長網(wǎng)紙 15° - 20°
for fabric sieves /紡織篩網(wǎng) 20° - 40°
for wet felts /濕毛氈 30° - 60°
as polyethylene, polypropylene and 8-20 u 45°-60°
similar, according to thickness/塑料薄膜 Greater than 20 u /大于20 u 45°
根據(jù)不同厚度決定包角 Cellopanes/玻璃紙 15°-20°
Crease prevention and removing Felts /毛氈 15°-20°
creases from textiles /紡織物展平
Easily stretchable cotton / 延展布 60° - 90°
Nylon fabric /尼龍面料 60°
Coated fabric /涂層布料 60°
Glass-fibre material/ 玻璃纖維 60°
All kinds of materials/普通織物 60° - 90°